North Quadra
Community Association

Connecting our residents and visitors to the North Quadra Community

President's AGM Report 2023/24

Greetings North Quadra Community!  I was elected as your NQCA President at our last 2023 Annual General Meeting. The current year brought a lot of changes and challenges to our North Quadra Community Association (NQCA) of which our 14-member Board endeavored to best represent and address the interests of the North Quadra community.

We also appreciated that our 2023/24 president, Trevor Barry, graciously agreed to stand as Vice Pres. this year despite having to juggle a taxing work schedule and busy family life. Furthermore, I wish to convey my sincere gratitude to all NQCA Board members and community volunteers who contributed their time and effort to our community in 2024. Special shout-outs go to Treasurer, Evelyn Woodward for keeping our financial affairs in order and to Registrar, Amy Teucher for keeping our records and membership updated.

Click here to read the Full Report

Beckwith Pond Decommissioning

May Update

Jordan Mann of Don Mann Excavating (water license holder) and Paul DeGreeff, Planning & Development Manager, Saanich Parks (landowner) provided an update May 23, 2024, at NQCA Executive meeting on the status of the Beckwith Pond Dam Decommissioning project. They discussed the 3 options put forward by the Dam Safety Office (DSO) to bring the dam into compliance with the new regulations.

Save the Tape!

Country Grocer Supports North Quadra Community Initiatives

Help support the NQCA by simply shopping at Royal Oak Country Grocer!